Fujia Sun
Peer Counselor
Mental Health, Health Psychology
Psychology Undergraduate, Harvard University
Fujia Sun is a first-year undergraduate studying psychology and economics at Harvard College. She has worked as a clinical psychology intern and peer counselor.
Professional Experience
President/Peer Counselor, Student Psychological Assistant Program (SPAP). Give weekly lectures; Provide peer counseling to 40+ students; Write 15+ articles for 1,004 followers; Initiate collaboration with Korean Highschool psychology club. Oct 2019-Present.
Pioneer Academics: Research with Vassar College Associate Professor Allan Clifton. Wrote a 25-page thesis: The Development of Major Depressive Disorder Among Sexual Minority Adolescents: Incorporating Structural Stigma; Rank: top 10%. 2021
Intern, AXN Clinical Psychology Department. Observe/Learn/Assist in psychotherapy & psychoanalysis on 5 adolescents and their families; Arrange medical records; Receptionist. August 2021
- Harvard College — Cambridge, MA 2022-now
- Beijing National Day School – Beijing China 2019-2022
- Beijing No.2 Middle School Junior Division – Beijing China 2016-2019
- Beijing Shijia Elementary School – Beijing China 2015-2016, 2011.9-2012.12
- Somerset Elementary School – MD, USA 2012.12-2015.6