An extroverted personality is commonly associated with an individual who enjoys social settings and engaging with others.
You may be an extrovert if you feel energized around people, enjoy social settings, and find solitude draining. Extroverts often seek external stimulation, are outgoing, and feel comfortable expressing themselves in groups. Social interaction generally boosts their mood and energy levels.

Extroverts are known to like talking with people and collaborating in large groups. Within their groups, they are more likely to assume leadership roles.
Extroverts’ tendency to lead is attributed to their willingness to take action and their use of strong communication skills.
Additionally, extroverts are adventurous and look forward to exposing themselves to new situations, challenges, and ideas. Their wanderlust makes it easier for extroverts to adapt to new circumstances and spontaneously react.
Though some view their action-oriented personalities as impulsive, extroverts also tend to be the life of the party and social events.
Extroverts are also known for being highly energetic and outspoken. They are quite expressive and tend to share their opinions with others frequently.
Extroverts talk through their problems with others and can quickly make friends, consequently giving them large social networks and support systems.
Extroverts are also typically optimistic, with many finding the good in their situations and viewing the world through “rose-colored glasses.”
They tend to stay away from stressing over problems, often taking life with a grain of salt. Extroverts’ perspectives allow them to overcome challenges they may encounter easily.
Finally, extroverts are more likely to dislike “alone time.” As extroverts tend to gain energy from interacting with others, being alone can make them feel as though they are isolated.
Usually, too much personal time can be a drain rather than an advantage for extroverts.
Types of Extroverts
Extroverts are a part of one of the four distinct scales used by the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI) to identify an individual’s personality type.
More than just an extroverted personality, according to the MBTI, an individual has other scales that they use to perceive the world around them and make decisions.
The other categories include sensors (S) – intuitions (I) and feelers (F) – thinkers (T). Each of these scales comes together for an extroverted individual to create distinct character traits.
Sensors are individuals who prefer to gather their information from the world mainly through interpreting their own senses. They stick to their reality and focus on getting first-hand experience of the world.
An extroverted sensor will look to their present situation for guidance and act based on their current state. When processing their everyday world, they tend to trust their surroundings and disregard the past or present.
Intuitors are individuals who use intuition to draw information about the world they see around them. Typically, they pay more attention to their future and what possibilities could exist within their minds.
An extroverted intuitior typically has confidence in their own conscious and inner feelings to dictate how they interpret life. They see the potential of the external world around them and “trust their gut” while sharing their natural instincts with others.
Feelers are people who tend to make decisions based on their emotions. Feelers are typically more sensitive to others and how they feel. Consequently, feelers will take emotion into consideration with their choices.
An extroverted feeler will attempt to create peace between others and feel tranquil with other people. Due to their deep respect for sentiments and empathy, they value interpersonal and cultural ethics to guide them in choosing their actions.
Thinkers are people that consider logic when having to make a judgment. Thinkers are rational people and attempt to look at the data and facts they can find before they make a definite choice.
An extroverted thinker will hold regard for society’s laws and rules during their decision-making. More than looking to government regulations, they will also look for solid patterns and sound reasoning in the world to make a comfortable choice.
Below are some of the most common signs of being an extrovert:
- Outgoing and sociable
- Energized by social interactions and gatherings
- Enjoy being around people and thrive in group settings
- Tend to be talkative and expressive
- Often seek external stimulation and excitement
- Comfortable in the spotlight and enjoy being the center of attention
- Easier time making new friends and initiating conversations
- May have a wide circle of acquaintances
- Enjoy participating in activities and events with others
- Generally more assertive and confident in social situations.

What Does the Research Say?
Are extroverts successful?
Research has shown that extroverts tend to be widely successful in their careers (Wilmont et al., 2019). Extroversion has consistently ranked higher across the board for all performance dimensions, highlighting that extroverts have the advantage to succeed at work.
Extroverts’ performance levels are attributed to their positivity, resilience, and exceptional interpersonal skills in the workplace.
Since extroverts enjoy working around others, their job environments, which often call for social interaction, give them substantial space to demonstrate their high qualifications.
Additionally, high levels of extroversion are linked to some professional behaviors that are known to make workers stand out.
These include advocating for change, adapting to new tasks, and taking advantage of opportunities (Wilmont et al., 2019). The flexibility and dedication that extroverts bring to the table establish them as valued members in their place of work.
Due to these factors, extroverted characteristics correlate to more recognition and praise for an individual’s work (Wilmont et al., 2019).
Having extroversion as a personality trait showed increased promotions, awards, and even higher salaries for individuals. More than just being quality workers, extroverts tend to thrive in their careers and obtain accomplishments.
Are extroverts happier?
Given that extroverts tend to have great support systems, adventurous spirits, and outgoing characters, many might assume that extroverts are “happier” people. However, meta-analysis studies have actually found that extroversion can lead to more positive affect in an individual’s life (DeNeve & Cooper, 1998).
Positive affect, or happier moods, is not based solely on extroversion. Instead, positive affect also depends on our connections with others and the strength of those relationships (DeNeve & Cooper, 1998).
Extroverts have high extroversion qualities and the ability to connect with others, two of the biggest factors needed to have positive affect. Consequently, they are more likely to be more content with their lives and experience happier moods.
Though an individual’s personality is not the sole reason someone may be happy, these traits held by extroverts help to make positive affect more frequent in extroverts.
Are extroverts good leaders?
Research also shows that traits of extroversion more consistently link to strong leadership skills (Judge et al., 2002). Extroverts are good leaders, as they tend to take action and frequently communicate with their team.
Extroverts also spearhead conversations or organize events in their daily interactions, highlighting their capacity to guide and coordinate others.
Additionally, they may take more space in conversations or propose ideas for the group. For these reasons, extroverted individuals have the interpersonal advantage of leading others (Wilmont et al., 2019).
Moreover, extroverts’ general enthusiasm for life and effective persuasive skills can help others achieve their goals (Wilmont et al., 2019).
As extroverts know how to appeal to people, they can often motivate those who need it, establishing their authority as leaders.
Extroverts vs. Introverts
Introverts’ personalities are characterized by an inclination to appreciate their inner mind. Introverts feel energized when they spend time reflecting on their thoughts and ideas rather than engaging with the world around them. They prefer being around smaller groups and enjoy being alone.
Though introverts are sometimes considered withdrawn or shy, there is much more to an introverted personality than appreciating solitude.
For example, introverts are typically more introspective, self-aware, and independent. Additionally, they tend to participate in more substantial conversations and debates with concepts they have reflected on.
There are many differences between extroverts and introverts, with the starkest contrast being each personality’s approach to social interaction.
Introverts typically feel drained after talking to many people and dislike larger group work. Big social events may push introverts outside of their comfort levels. However, this does not mean that introverts are not friendly people.
As a result of each personality’s relationship with social situations, introverts are also more likely to find peace in quiet time alone. Introverts need more personal time to recharge. In contrast, too much time in solitude can make an extrovert feel exhausted.
Their problem-solving strategies also significantly differ. An extrovert might attempt to discuss a problem with others, but an introvert will take time to reflect on the issue. When faced with a challenge, introverts use their imagination and logic to solve their situation.
Daydreaming and reflecting on the problem allows introverts to concentrate on understanding their circumstances better.
Introverts also tend to consider their actions more carefully than extroverts. Introverts will thoroughly contemplate their plan of action, weighing their options before making any big moves in their lives.
Extroverts are much more impulsive. This difference showcases that sometimes extroverts can make judgments from a less logical standpoint.
For introverts, verbally sharing emotions and ideas is not as easy as it may be for extroverts. Instead, introverts communicate with the world in unique ways.
Rather than speaking, introverts express themselves with mediums like writing, drawing, and music. When conveying their feelings, introverts are creative and imaginative.
Additionally, introverts approach friendship differently from extroverts. While extroverts may have many friends, introverts choose to have a smaller group.
Regardless, introverts develop deep bonds with the people they choose to be close to. Though they typically do not have the same number of friends as extroverts, their few friendships are quality.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can extroverts be shy?
Extroverts can be shy. Though extroverts are known to be more outspoken and confident, more reserved individuals should not automatically be labeled introverts.
While “being shy” is typically associated with an introverted personality, shyness and introversion are very different characteristics. A person can still feel energized by interacting with others while simultaneously not craving to be the center of the group’s attention.
Moreover, extroverts do not always have to be the only ones talking and can display their extroverted qualities while choosing to be quieter and actively listening to others.
Though they might not be as bold or daring in their conversations, shy extroverts still enjoy social settings in more reserved settings and need interaction to feel renewed.
Do extroverts crave alone time?
On occasion, extroverts can crave personal space. Even the most outgoing extroverts might need a day for themselves.
Like all parts of the personality, extroversion exists on a spectrum, and while individuals might typically love to be around others, needing a break is normal. Extroverts might need to withdraw from the crowd and relax alone.
Wanting personal time does not necessarily invalidate an extrovert’s personality or enjoyment of social activities. Instead, a craving for alone time reinforces the idea that rest is necessary for all humans.
Do extroverts have a lot of close friends?
Extroverts have a lot of close friendships. Their outgoing nature allows them to sustain a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Since extroverted individuals are recharged with social interaction, they genuinely enjoy interacting with various people from different backgrounds. For them, getting to know others is highly gratifying.
Extroverts love to talk, meet new individuals, and develop bonds, so on top of being fun for extroverts, making new friends comes easily.
Can extroverts have social anxiety?
Like being shy, extroverts can also have social anxiety. Though extroverts enjoy engaging with others, they can still experience anxieties over interactions with the people they encounter.
These may include stressing over body language, what they might have said “wrong” in a conversation, or how they may have made others feel. Extroverts with social anxiety fixate on their past encounter, making them anxious about future social situations.
These individuals have met with a unique issue; the same situations that make their personality also gives them severe unease.
However, extroverts with social anxiety can still find safe spaces and situations that will lessen their anxiety while still being social, like talking with close friends or even going to therapy.
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