This is {Wherever} Wednesday #8: Is this normal?

It’s been a while since I’ve done a Wherever Wednesday post, but Gayle over at Texifornia is starting it back up and I decided to join. I realize that the longer I live in Guatemala the easier it is to forget what is unique or different about life here. The truth is my sense ofRead more

This is { Wherever } Wednesday #5


Wednesday are my attempt to capture part of what life is like here in Guatemala. Feel free to join in. Wherever you are.  Sometimes I am reminded how different things are in Guatemala. Like last week’s sighting. Now on to this week. I was skyping with my friend earlier this week and she heard aRead more

This Is { Wherever } Wednesday #2


I live a first world life, in a third world country. I have running water in my house, wireless internet that usually works, a purple yoga mat and a scooter.  Inside my refrigerator you’ll find honey mustard and BBQ sauce, and on my kitchen counter sits an automatic coffee maker with adorable Anthropologie towels hangingRead more