If you have an insecure partner, it is important to be supportive. Supporting an insecure partner can be challenging, but there are many resources available to help you and your partner.
There are a number of things you can do to help them feel more confident and secure in the relationship.
Insecurity is a common human experience, and it often finds its way into our relationships. Whether it results from past experiences, personal doubts, or external pressures, feeling insecure is a natural part of being human.
However, for some people, insecurity can be a persistent problem that interferes with their relationships and well-being.

How we navigate and support our partners through these moments of vulnerability can significantly impact the health of our relationships.
Along with building self-esteem and cultivating open dialogue, supporting your partner through their insecurities can also strengthen your bond and create a safe space for growth and intimacy.
Below are some ways in which you can help an insecure partner:
Help them identify the problem
Encourage your partner to communicate honestly with you and actively listen to what they have to say without judgment.
Ask them open-ended questions to help them explore their feelings and articulate what is making them feel insecure. For example:
- You mentioned you’ve been feeling more insecure lately in our relationship. Can you tell me more about what thoughts or feelings tend to come up for you?
- What kinds of situations or interactions between us seem to trigger these insecure thoughts or feelings? Are there particular things I do or say that make you feel this way?
- I want to understand better where these feelings are coming from so I can help address them. When did you start feeling more insecure, and what was going on in our relationship around that time?
Try to identify the specific triggers or events that contribute to their insecurity.
Validate your partner’s feelings by letting them know that it is okay to feel insecure and that you understand why they feel the way they do.
Practice healthy communication
Be honest and open with your partner, and be willing to listen to their concerns. Avoid blaming, name-calling, and other forms of communication that can be hurtful or destructive.
Ensure that communication is a two-way street, where both partners actively contribute to the conversation and feel safe expressing their feelings and concerns.
“Don’t tell them what they’re feeling is stupid or silly; they have a right to their feelings. Part of being a healthy partner is being respectful of how they feel, even though you may not agree with it.”
Mary Jo Rapini, Psychtherapist
Tips for practicing healthy communication
- Actively listen without judgment or criticism when your partner shares their feelings.
- Try to understand their perspective. This will help you to be more supportive and understanding.
- Focus on the problem and specific issues, not on their character.
- Be willing to compromise to resolve conflict.
- Avoid making assumptions about their emotions. Instead, ask clarifying questions to gain a better understanding.
Dr Marshall Rosenberg’s book ‘Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life’ provides guidance for expressing your needs to your partner in an empathetic and healthy way.
Offer support
Let your partner know that you are there for them and willing to work together to address these issues.
Here are some ways to support an insecure partner:
- Reassure them of your love and commitment to the relationship. This could involve telling them how much you love them or spending time with them.
- Offer compliments and affirmations.
- Small acts of kindness and regular check-ins (e.g., asking about their day) can help them feel loved, appreciated, and secure in the relationship.
- Encourage them to seek professional help if they are struggling to overcome their insecurity.
Remain calm and patient with your partner, as it takes time to overcome insecurity. Furthermore, try not to be emotionally reactive when they are struggling with insecurities, especially if these stem from trauma.
You cannot fix your partner’s insecurity, but offering support can help them feel loved and cared for, making it easier to overcome their insecurity.
Research by Simpson and Overall (2014) suggests that validating your partner’s viewpoint acknowledges their perspective and affirms their autonomy. They also suggest exaggerating affection at times. When an insecure partner seems distressed, increased affection can reassure them.
Create healthy boundaries
Creating healthy boundaries means setting limits on what you are and are not willing to do. Both partners need to clarify their needs and expectations to avoid misunderstandings.
Establish clear boundaries that respect each other’s personal space, interests, and privacy.
“You need to support their growth and change again. If you just enable and you are codependent in the relationship, and they’re not getting better, and they’re not getting healthier, then they’re always going to struggle with insecurities.”
Kristin Coaching, Therapist and Relationship Coach
Tips for creating healthy boundaries:
- Agree on what you need from each other in terms of time, attention, and support.
- Set limits on your time and energy. Do not be afraid to say no to your partner if you are feeling overwhelmed or if you do not have the time or energy to meet their needs.
- Be assertive by standing up for yourself and your needs.
- Once you have set a boundary, be consistent in enforcing it.
- Do not take your partner’s insecurities personally, as they are usually about their own fears and insecurities.
- If you are part of the cause of their insecure feelings (e.g., due to infidelity, dishonesty, etc…), apologize and find a way to build trust again.
Don’t risk your own needs
Supporting your partner does not mean sacrificing your own well-being.
Set boundaries to protect your mental health so that you do not get overwhelmed by their needs (e.g., set limits on how much time you spend with them).
Additionally, be honest with your partner about your needs by letting them know what you need from them to feel supported and loved.
Furthermore, make your physical and mental health a priority. This will increase your resilience and ability to cope with your partner’s insecurity.
You may also consider seeking professional help if you are struggling to help your partner without sacrificing your own needs.
Observe your own behavior
Recognize that your actions and words can profoundly impact your partner’s feelings of security and self-worth.
By being mindful of how you communicate and behave, you can actively contribute to your partner’s sense of reassurance and trust.
This means choosing your words carefully and avoiding saying or doing anything that could hurt your partner’s feelings.
It also means being aware of your own insecurities and how they may be affecting your relationship. Are there any patterns in your behavior that could be making your partner feel insecure?
Licensed clinical psychologist Sarah Schewitz suggests the following additional tips:
- Be mindful of your body language. Make eye contact, smile, and lean in when your partner is talking to you. Try to mirror their body language (without going overboard).
- Avoid comparing your partner to others or to your ex-partners.
- Even if you are busy, find ways to regularly create positive experiences together (e.g., cooking together). Make time for regular phone calls, texts, or in-person dates.
Spend quality time together
By dedicating meaningful time to your partner, you can help them feel valued, cherished, and secure within the relationship.
Engaging in shared experiences not only deepens your connection but also provides opportunities for open communication and emotional support.
Spending quality time together means putting away your phone, turning off the TV, and giving your partner your undivided attention.
Here are a few tips for spending quality time with your insecure partner:
- Choose activities that you both enjoy. This could be anything from going for a walk to playing a board game to watching a movie.
- Even if you can only spare an hour or two, set aside time each week for a regular date night.
- Go on adventures together. Trying new things and exploring new places together will help you to create new memories and experiences.
- Be affectionate. Touch your partner often and let them know that you are physically attracted to them.
- Have fun! Spending quality time together should be enjoyable for both of you.
Encourage interests outside of the relationship
Clinical psychologist Lisa Firestone highlights the importance of individuality within relationships.
Encouraging your partner to explore their passions and hobbies outside of the relationship can strengthen their independence and self-confidence, reducing their reliance on the relationship for validation.
This will help them to develop their own identity and sense of self, which can boost their self-esteem and make them feel more secure in the relationship.
“You have to encourage individuality for your significant other…really boosting them up as an individual so they can run their own life by themselves in a healthy way.”
Kristin Coaching, Therapist and Relationship Coach
Here are some tips:
- Let your partner know that you are interested in their hobbies and that you support their pursuit of them.
- Suggest some activities that you think they might enjoy.
- Ask them questions about their hobbies and listen to their answers with interest.
- Encourage them to join clubs or groups as a way to share their interests with others.
- Do not be afraid to do things on your own. Have your own interests and hobbies outside of the relationship.
Red flags in an insecure partner
Insecure partners may exhibit a number of red flags. Below are some common examples:
- Excessive jealousy: being overly jealous of your friends, family, or coworkers.
- Possessiveness: frequent attempts to control who you spend time with or isolate you from friends and family.
- Neediness and clinginess: having a constant need for reassurance and validation, being upset when you are not with them, or not having their own friends or interests.
- Controlling behavior: trying to control your appearance, behavior, and decisions. This includes being critical of your choices and trying to make you change to fit their ideal.
- Invasion of your privacy: for example, going through your phone without permission or following you to places.
- Lack of trust: Difficulty trusting you, even if you have given them no reason not to (e.g., accusing you of cheating or flirting with others).
- Communication issues: struggling to communicate their feelings openly or engaging in passive-aggressive behavior. This hinders constructive discussions and conflict resolution.
- Victim mentality: Often playing the victim and blaming you for their problems, refusing to take responsibility for their own actions or feelings.
- Emotional volatility: frequently becoming upset, angry, or anxious over minor issues. In extreme cases, this can escalate into emotional manipulation or emotional abuse, which should never be tolerated in a relationship.
These behaviors indicate underlying insecurities that, if left unaddressed, can cause significant distress or harm to the relationship.
If you are in a relationship with an insecure partner, it is important to be aware of these red flags, set boundaries, and communicate your needs clearly.
If your partner is unwilling to change their behavior, it may be best to end the relationship.
When should I walk away?
Knowing when to walk away from a relationship with an insecure partner can be challenging but is necessary for your own well-being. It is best to protect yourself and end the relationship if:
- Your partner’s insecurity leads to emotional abuse, manipulation, or constant toxicity that negatively impacts your mental and emotional health;
- Their insecurity makes you feel bad about yourself or causes unhealthy behaviors;
- Your partner is unwilling to acknowledge their insecurities or take steps to address them despite their harmful effects on the relationship;
- Your partner’s insecurity interferes with your ability to live your life (e.g., preventing you from pursuing your goals or spending time with loved ones).
According to the American Psychological Association (APA), prioritizing your own mental and emotional health is crucial in relationships, and if those needs are consistently unmet due to an insecure partner’s behavior, it is a valid reason to walk away.
It is important to remember that you cannot change your partner. If you have tried to support them and they are unwilling to change, it is okay to move on.
You deserve to be in a relationship with someone who is secure in themselves and who makes you feel loved and supported.
Is insecurity in a partner a sign of love?
Insecurity in a partner is not necessarily a sign of love. In fact, it can be a sign of unhealthy attachment, control issues, or unhealed emotional wounds.
While some people become more insecure when they are deeply in love, it is important to remember that love should not be based on fear or insecurity.
Love can sometimes manifest as concern or vulnerability, but excessive insecurity usually originates from personal issues or past experiences rather than genuine love.
A healthy relationship is one in which both partners feel secure, supported, and loved and in which they can communicate their needs and feelings openly. Excessive insecurity often leads to relationship problems if not addressed.
It is important to distinguish between healthy expressions of love and controlling or possessive behavior, which can be harmful.
Can an insecure partner ever change?
Yes, an insecure partner can change with time, self-awareness, and effort. With open communication and personal growth, individuals can work on overcoming their insecurities and building healthier relationships.
In order for your partner to change, they must first be willing to admit that they have a problem and that they want to change. Once they are willing to change, they can work on developing healthy coping mechanisms and building their self-esteem.
There are a number of things you can do to support your partner as they work on changing.
For example, you can set healthy boundaries, encourage them to seek professional help, and spend quality time together whilst also making time for your own needs and interests.
How can insecurity ruin a relationship?
The constant presence of insecurity can cause emotional distance, increasing anxiety and stress for both partners.
It can also lead to jealousy and possessiveness, causing conflicts and distance between partners. This emotional strain can cause relationship dissatisfaction and potentially the end of the relationship.
Insecurity often leads to trust issues, causing one to constantly question their partner’s loyalty. This distrust can result in a need for continuous reassurance, which is emotionally exhausting for both partners.
Furthermore, communication often breaks down as the insecure individual feels scared of being vulnerable and openly expressing their feelings, leading to misunderstandings and a lack of intimacy. This makes it difficult to develop a deep and meaningful connection.
Additionally, insecurity may lead to emotional blackmail as insecure partners may try to control their partner’s behavior by making them feel guilty or responsible for their emotions. This can promote an unhealthy and codependent relationship.

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